Unmatched Customer Service, Delivered to You

Choose Straight Shot Express, a commercial delivery service serving Davenport, Bettendorf, IA, Rock Island, IL & the entire Quad Cities Region

Do you need commercial transportation services for your business? If you live anywhere in the continental United States or Canada, trust the job to Straight Shot Express, based in Davenport, Iowa. We've been in the business for 20 years, so we know exactly what it takes to get your freight to its destination on time. Call us today to speak with a member of our team at 563-388-2000 or 877-925-6700 .

Why choose Straight Shot Express over the competition?

You have your choice of commercial delivery services, so why should you choose our small business over the larger shipping companies? Here are some ways in which Straight Shot Express works hard to earn your business:

We have all the necessary certifications.

We have all the necessary certifications.

Straight Shot Express is a fully licensed and insured, woman-owned small business serving Davenport, Bettendorf, IA, Rock Island, IL & the entire Quad Cities Region.

We'll consult closely with you throughout the delivery process.

We'll consult closely with you throughout the delivery process.

Forget the days of automated customer service lines. Our team of dispatchers are available to help 24/7, 365 days the year.

We can complete your delivery anywhere in North America.

We can complete your delivery anywhere in North America.

In addition to expedited shipment services, we also specialize in remote logistics delivery to protect your cargo.

Don't wait to get started on your next shipment. Ask about our expedited shipment services.

Delivery 24/7,
365 Days a Year

We serve the continental U.S. and Canada. Terminal based in Davenport, IA.

transportation service davenport ia